
 I have been working for American Foods Group for more than two years.  我喜欢我的工作,我不断了解我部门的不同职位. 长草原是一个很好的工作地点,让我有一所房子和一辆好车.

Peo – Packaging 
Long Prarie, MN facility
Started in 2017

Peo - packaging

AFG的实习项目是一次很棒的经历,我学到了很多宝贵的技能. As an Operations Intern, 我有机会亲身学习,真正了解工厂的日常运作情况. The culture at AFG was something that stood out to me the most. It is a very easy environment to learn in, 当每个人都想分享他们的知识和经验来帮助你成功. This helped me grow and get the most out of my time here at AFG.

Ryan Pawlowski
Operations Intern

Ryan Pawlowski - Operations Intern

美国食品集团是一家以家庭为中心,努力生产安全产品的公司, high-quality beef. 他们的员工都是很棒的人,他们会鼓励你,并尽其所能看到你成功. I worked at the East River Plant in Green Bay, WI as their QA intern, and let me tell you it was one of the best summers I have ever had. 我学到了很多关于制作的知识,并且能够在整个夏天进行项目. This experience was educational and overseeded any expectations I had. My favorite thing about this company is the people they employee. I established friendships with production workers on every line, those who were in the offices, and with the other interns. Being far from home for three months was a challenge, 但这家公司立刻让我感到受欢迎,让我成为他们家庭的一员. AFG也为我提供了在QA部门之外发展和探索公司的机会. 如果你对肉类行业有任何兴趣,我强烈建议你申请实习!

Lexy Koehn
QA Intern

Lexy Koehn, QA Intern

During my internship, I not only learned a lot about the HR field, but I also learned a lot about myself. 每个员工都受到这样的尊重,在这里实习是一种荣幸. 没有多少人能说他们在这么短的时间里学到了这么多,同时真正享受每一天.

Cassie – HR Intern 

Intern Cassie

美国食品集团是一家我喜欢并为之长期工作的公司. 这里的人都很棒,他们对自己的工作充满热情. It was reassuring to work for a company that takes their employees, food safety, and efficiency of production all seriously.

Julia – Production Intern 

Intern Julia

我喜欢在美国食品集团实习,因为每一天都是一次学习的经历. 我了解到每个角色的重要性,也开始更多地探索我的职业道路. 我的想法受到赞赏,我在AFG工作期间确实产生了影响.

Ashlynn – Quality Assurance/Production Intern 

ashlynn - QA Intern

我在美国食品集团的实习是一个很好的机会,可以在毕业前探索一个新的领域和职业道路. 在实习期间,我感觉自己是nba买球怎么买保证团队的一员,我的意见和经验受到重视.

Kaitlyn – Quality Assurance Intern 

Kaitlyn- QA Intern

我很幸运能在实习期间与优秀、勤奋的人一起工作. AFG是一家家族企业,人们就是这样对待我的,就像一家人一样. 对于一家大公司来说,赏识我的价值和我所做的工作意义重大! I plan on working for the company full time one day.

Jacob – Supply Chain Intern 

Intern Jacob

In my internship I felt valued and able to contribute to the company. 在实习期间,我学到了很多东西,获得了宝贵的工作经验.

Calvin – Engineering Intern 

Calvin - Engineering Intern

I really enjoyed getting a firsthand look at the beef industry, 获得项目经验,从管理的角度看问题. The wonderful people I worked with made it a great summer. I feel very fortunate to have gotten such a great experience.

Grady – Engineering Intern 

Grady - Engineering Intern

在美国食品集团实习让我找到了一份我热爱的工作. 公司里的每个人都让我感到受欢迎,并帮助我成长为一个人,同时对公司和牛的购买过程更加了解.

Paige –Production Intern 

Intern Paige

我在美国食品集团的职业生涯始于21年前的制造部门. 我有机会学习收获地板,并充分了解所有流程. 与AFG的合作极大地改变了我的财务状况,使我能够给我的孩子们上大学和一个稳定的家.

Monica – HR Trainer 
Long Prairie, MN facility
Started in 1998

Monica - HR Trainer

我的职业生涯开始于美国食品集团的制造领域,负责堆放箱子和学习驾驶叉车.  这项工作帮助我推进了我的个人项目,也支持了我在墨西哥的家人. I am now in the process of buying my first house in Long Prairie, MN.

Carlos  - Forklift/Palletjack Operator
Long Prarie, MN facility
Started in 2015


hr microsite top testimonial

American Foods Group truly values and recognizes its employees. From day 1 I have worked hard to make a difference in my role, which has taken me to the role of Purchasing and Scheduling Manager. 我现在所做的决定直接影响到公司和客户的成功.

Travis – Purchasing & Scheduling Manager
Omaha, NE facility 
Started in 2010

Travis - purchasing

美国食品集团生产高品质的产品,并力求持续增长和改进. 对一家与我拥有相同核心价值观的公司保持忠诚是很容易的. 我们的福利和培训不断改进,使公司成为一个更安全的工作场所.

Fernando – Fabrication
Yankton, SD facility 
Started in 2003

Fernando - Chuck Deboner

At American Foods Group, there are always opportunities for growth. The benefits employees are offered provide excellent coverage, and each year we receive a yearly bonus for our hard work.   I am very pleased to be a part of the AFG family.

Brian – Fabrication: Beef Processing
Yankton, SD facility
Started in 1990

Brian - Fabrication

“From the two years I have been here, I have seen many changes. The pay has increased as well as the training.  I think it was a great idea to move into a 4-day training. 这有助于新员工更好地适应环境. 它使我们的环境更安全的帮助下,新的训练和地板教练,我们增加. 这为员工在公司内部成长和努力实现自己的目标提供了新的机会.  

Alejandro – Production 
Yankton, SD facility
Started in 2016

Alejandro - Head dropper

美国食品集团充满了机会,让我在专业和个人方面都有了成长. AFG不仅提供巨大的福利,他们还确保每个人的家庭都得到照顾. 我可以大胆地说,AFG是最适合工作的公司之一.

Lucio – Trainer 
Green Bay, WI facility 
Started in 2009

Lucio - trainer

During my 15 years with American Foods Group, 我看到公司内部的发展带来了更多的机会.  We work with a good group of people, 管理层看到每个人的价值,真正关心员工和他们的家庭.

Penny – Lead I QA
Green Bay, WI facility
Started in 2003

Penny - Lead QA

The family-friendly, 当我开始在美国食品集团工作时,我所经历的积极氛围是非常受欢迎的. 你有很多机会发展你的事业,并对公司产生影响. 我很自豪地告诉大家,我在一家支持家庭和当地社区的公司工作.

Tammi – Lead II QA 
Green Bay, WI facility

tammi - lead II QA

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